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Canary Deployment with Cloudoor Deploy

With Canary deployment, you can deploy your app in two versions directly in the production environment and transition from one to the other through percentage and easily rollback if the new version is not viable.

Prerequisites: By this stage, you should have already created your deployment and service. If you haven't, head back to Continuous Deployment

Deploying the Canary Strategy from Cloudoor UI

Go to Deploy.

You’ll see all your applications. Filter if you want and click the app you wnat to update.

Here, you can find the API Gateway IP. Monitor the Success Rate, Latency and the Requests per min of the Live and Staging versions of your application. And visit either versions using the url in front of the version.

Click Update

Your application is currently in Default Deployment Strategy, Click Default and choose Canary from the drop down.

You can effectively manage your canary deployment through the Cloudoor UI Edit Form. From scaling up and down your application by changing the Replicas number, choosing the right version for your staging application to manually and automatically increasing traffic to your staging application.

Deploying the New Version with Cloudoor UI

To deploy the new version to your staging environment, simply click the dropdown next to "Staging" and choose the correct version from the image tags Cloudoor pulled from your company's docker image. Let's choose 'red'

Increasing Traffic Manually with Cloudoor UI

To manually increase or decrease the percentage(%) of your total traffic your load balancer sends to your new version, simply type in the preferred percentage in Staging and click "Update".

Progressive Deployment

To automatically increase progression. Click the Auto Progression checkbox.

Auto Progression:

When enabled you don’t have to manually increase the progression of traffic to your staging application. You can set an interval and traffic will be automatically progressed when the conditions are reached. This is only accessible through the UI.

  • Interval(secs or mins): The period of time after which requests to the new version will be evaluated against the Success Rate and Latency Values, to determine if traffic to the new version will be increased or not.

  • Type- Increment(%): Degree of increase after every successful interval.

  • Type - Steps: The degree of increase after each successful interval e.g increase by 5% after the first successful interval, then increase by 10% after the second successful interval.

  • Success Rate(%): Degree of successful connections to the new version.

  • Latency(secs): How long it takes for the new version to respond to requests.

Click Update and have a look at your App Info Page

Advanced Configuration

Cloudoor API Gateway will be automatically installed in your Kubernetes cluster for traffic splitting. Domain Name and TLS certificate If you have a domain name and/or a custom TLS certificate, please add the following labels to your Kubernetes deployment: • “true” • «your hostname»

Switching - Going Live with Cloudoor UI

When you're completely satisfied with the new version of your application and you wish to push it live. Click the Switch besides Update

Toggle button and watch your Live Environment get up to date in real-time.

Click confirm and your application version in your staging environment will be pushed live while your outdated live application will be pushed to the staging environment, waiting for you to quickly switch back if you're not satisfied.

Deploying the Canary Strategy from DOOR

Run this command to deploy your workload with the Canary strategy:

door deploy canary <WorkloadName> -p <project name> -e <environment name>
Supported Flags:

-e or –environment: The environment name.

-p or –project: The project name.

--traffic: This refers to the % of your users that will be routed to the new version.

--image: The docker image of your application. It should be in /. When using the image flag, the version flag is required.

--version: the version of your application docker image i.e the tag. When using the version flag, the image flag is required.

--go-to-live: To completely push the new version to live.

Let's look at your workload:

door get workload -p <project name> -e <environment name>

It should look similar to this:

workload Name canary replicas Number username/workloadName true/false V1.0.0 0

Deploying the New Version

To deploy the new version of your application to

door deploy canary my-workload  --image <image-name> --version v2.0.0 --traffic 5 -p projectName -e environmentName 

Supported Flags:

--image: The docker image of your application. It should be in /. When using the image flag, the version flag is required.

--version: the version of your application docker image i.e the tag. When using the version flag, the image flag is required.

Setting Traffic

You can set the percentage (%) of your users that will be routed to the new version. Run the command:

door deploy canary my-workload --traffic 50 --project projectName --env environmentName
Let's look at your workload:
door get workload -p project name -e environment name


workload Name canary replicas Number username/workloadName true/false V1.0.0 50

Advanced Configuration

Cloudoor API Gateway will be automatically installed in your Kubernetes cluster for traffic splitting. Domain Name and TLS certificate If you have a domain name and/or a custom TLS certificate, please add the following labels to your Kubernetes deployment: • “true” • «your hostname»

Going Live with DOOR

To push your new version to completely replace your old version, simply run the command:

door deploy canary my-workload --go-to-live -p projectName -e environmentName