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Is Your Organization Ready For Kubernetes

Do I need Kubernetes ?

Most business owners spend a lot of time pondering over this question: do I need Kubernetes? Probably because there is this uncertainty on if their well-established company is ready to embrace the unique and efficient services Kubernetes offers. Well, if you're such a business owner, then you're in luck.

Because in this article, I'll let you know if you're in the right position to adopt Kubernetes and what you stand to gain from adopting such unique services. I'll also run you through the challenges involved in implementing Kubernetes. That way, you'll weigh the scales and make a better decision. Let's get right into it!

How does Kubernetes work?

The first big step in knowing if you're ready to embrace the complexity of Kubernetes is knowing how it functions and how to get the best out of it. Kubernetes is defined as an open-source orchestration system that manages the deployment and the scaling of containerized applications within the Kubernetes cluster. Therefore, it manages the operations within the multi-container system or multi-container pod.

But you know that already. What you might not know, however, is how it's used. I'll run you through that. In that way, you can decide even before concluding this article if your company is ready for Kubernetes or not. Note that the things you are to consider when creating a multi-container system includes:

  • How all of the elements will fit and work collectively,

  • How much of each component will run, and

  • What will happen if issues arise (for example, a large number of people logging in at once).

You are to save their containerized software applications in a container registry (local or remote) and document their ideas in one or more configuration text files. Then "apply" the settings to Kubernetes to start the application. Well, when I say you, I don't mean you literally. I mean the developer you employ. Unless you're also a developer.

Now, when all the preliminaries are set up, the Kubernetes' role is to assess, implement, and maintain this configuration unless otherwise instructed. Then Kubernetes keeps track of just about everything, and when actual events deviate from expected outcomes, Kubernetes strives to correct and adjust. When a container, for instance, crashes, Kubernetes resumes it.

If an intrinsic server fails, Kubernetes seeks resources to execute the containers that that node was hosting elsewhere. If access to a service suddenly increases, Kubernetes can deploy containers to manage the extra demand by the configuration's rules and restrictions. Now you know what to expect, let's see when you should adopt Kubernetes.

When Should Your Organization Adopt Kubernetes?

  1. When your company decides to use a cloud-native approach to developing and deploying applications

A move to the cloud is something that your organization may be considering. However, the organization may not be interested in building for the cloud now. The best option may be to do everything on-site. In these circumstances, it's always preferable to build on top of containers and Kubernetes. It's a way to prepare for a migration to the cloud. However, note that this transition may not be as smooth as expected.

  1. When a company needs to grow

When your application reaches a level where it wants to expand, the number of services in your application will have grown significantly by this stage. Depending on the situation, they may need to interact with each other and adjust their size. Kubernetes may be a superior option for the corporation in this case. When it comes to orchestration, now is the time for the organization to begin.

What are the benefits of Kubernetes ?

What are the benefits of Kubernetes ?

  1. When a company wants to ensure that all its employees can deploy simultaneously.

The CI/CD process incorporates Kubernetes as a component. Using it will make getting your software into a live environment easier. Without any downtime, the deployment will be completed. One thing to keep in mind, Kubernetes does not deal with the actual process of creating, testing, and deploying your application to a registry of containerized software. Instead, building and testing are handled by specialized CI/CD software.

2) When contemplating the development of a service like Kubernetes

It is not recommended that you create this yourself. Before seeing any tangible benefits from your efforts, you will have a lot of setbacks and failures along the way. Make sure that your company has a compelling justification for adopting this strategy. It's best to utilize Azure Kubernetes or AWS. However, what are the challenges you might face if your company decides to adopt Kubernetes? Let's take a brief look at them.

Challenges Of Implementing Kubernetes

A study by Vanson Bourne, an independent research organization, found that implementing Kubernetes is difficult due to security concerns, scalability issues, and a lack of IT resources.

  1. Kubernetes security concerns

Kubernetes adoption is a significant security problem for enterprises. A Red Hat poll found that more than half of DevOps workers (59 percent) say security is their main issue regarding Kubernetes and containers. In 2020, 94% of Kubernetes security incidents will occur, and 55% of app releases will be postponed due to security concerns. However, Kubernetes is not an intrinsically vulnerable technology.

It faces the same security problems as most other emerging technologies: a lack of familiarity with the threats. A robust Kubernetes security solution can help organizations avoid container orchestration becoming an additional source of risk. Although many are uninformed of what to look out for and how to safeguard their Kubernetes system appropriately, it is becoming increasingly commonplace.

  1. Scalability Issues

Even while Kubernetes is hailed for its capacity to increase an organization's scalability and availability, many hold the misconception that scaling it up effectively is challenging. The complexity of Kubernetes microservices and the vast volumes of data created after deployment are the primary causes of this issue. Many people have difficulty keeping track of all the services and data necessary for diagnosing and dealing with problems.

Kubernetes implementation is also tricky for enterprises because of the extensive installation and configuration required. When many clouds, policies, clusters, and designated users are involved, this situation gets worse. Also, the user's experience may differ based on the surrounding circumstances.

What is scalability ?

Scalability schema edited by
  1. A lack of IT resources

Many organizations desire to utilize Kubernetes but cannot do so because they lack the necessary IT infrastructure. And also, they may not be able to use Kubernetes or any other container orchestration solution because of the software they employ. Forcing it would necessitate significant expenditures for developing a new system and associated technology. Kubernetes talent is also a problem, as many enterprises have found out.

Remarkably, nearly all (96 percent) firms believe they can find Kubernetes talent, but just 24 percent are confident that they will be able to discover and bring in a suitable applicant. Because of this, 98% of the surveyed firms have already invested in Kubernetes training or plan to do so shortly. Despite the challenges mentioned above, some business owners are adamant about wanting to adopt Kubernetes.

This is wrong. Keep reading, and I'll let you know when your company shouldn't adopt Kubernetes.

When should your Organization avoid adopting Kubernetes?

  1. When working on a single application

The components of an application built using Monolithic architecture are interdependent. This includes everything from input/output to processing and rendering. Containers allow you to break down your application into smaller, more manageable parts.

  1. When there is insufficient time to learn

When a business does not have enough time to train its employees on how to use Kubernetes. It's a long and difficult process to learn how to use it. Kubernetes is a sophisticated system that will require time to learn. You and your crew must comprehensively understand Kubernetes before you can start using it in your building process.

So, Are you ready for Kubernetes ?

We hope these lines will help you understand that Kubernetes is not a trivial choice. On the one hand, it offers a plethora of advantages and on the other, quite a few headaches.

If you want to get started?

Congratulations! From experience, if your Kubernetes projects are done right, you will have an unparalleled competitive advantage. Today, the world's most profitable app, Tinder, has created as many pods as it has love stories.

If you'd like to learn more about this topic from our experienced Kubernetes implementation specialists, please contact us.

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We invite you to download our first white paper which details in depth its benefits but also a problem that all organizations face: State of Kubernetes.